Failing To Stop At A New Erected Stop Sign
I failed to stop at a new erected stop sign. I go through this intersection almost every day as it's so close to my house.
The sign was erected two days before I got the ticket. In 29 years driving I have no tickets.
The stop sign is not erected as per "R.R.O. 1990 Regulation 615 Signs" which says :
"A stop Sign shall be erected so that the bottom edge is not less than 1.5 meters and not more than 2.5 meters above the level of the roadway"
The bottom edge of this stop sign is 1.2 meters above the roadway level.
Is it worth to fight the ticket?
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New post stop sign - failing to stop section 136
by yaboudi in Failing to obey signsLast post by yaboudi Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:27 pm
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