
Defendant For Failure To Change Marked Lanes

Author: Nalvi

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Defendant For Failure To Change Marked Lanes

Unread post by Nalvi »


I was involved in an accident. I got a ticket for "Fail to drive in marked lanes"

Is there any defense for this?

I wasnt intending on changing any lanes, but however I was involved in swerving my car from left to right (at the 401 e)it was unintentional. Since i was not changing the lane but got involved an accident, which was due to slippery conditions and the fact it was an accident (not intentional

obviously), i feel like i should have a defense.

Please help,


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Re: Defendant For Failure To Change Marked Lanes

Unread post by Stanton »

The fact that it was not intentional isn't a defence in itself. Lots of accidents aren't intentional but it doesn't negate fault. You'd have to show that the road conditions were something very unexpected, sudden and you were driving with due care. This has already been answered in your earlier post on this same question.
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Radar Identified
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Re: Defendant For Failure To Change Marked Lanes

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Please stick to one thread for the same offence. Thread locked.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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