
Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Author: Xero5

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Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Unread post by Xero5 »

Hi all,

When a cop runs a plate in Ontario, will they see insurance information? I'm wondering because I transfered my dad's old car into my name but he has two months of valid insurance left. I'm a little nervous driving the car since the insurance is under my dad's name. Also I was given a new set of plates which is valid until next year with the transfer. Please advise.

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Re: Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Unread post by Stanton »

It's relatively new, but police in Ontario are starting to gain the ability to check insurance through their terminals.

I'd be very careful about ensuring your dad's old policy still covers you if the plates/ownership has changed. Make sure the insurance company is aware of this change and still providing coverage.

And I don't follow what you're saying about the new plates being valid until transfer.

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Re: Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Unread post by Xero5 »

Thanks for the quick reply Stanton.

When we transfered the car into my name, the woman offered me a new set of plates for a fee. The new plates will expire on my birthday next year. I was under the impression that they're only allowed to give out plates if everything is fine with the insurance.

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Re: Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Unread post by Stanton »

Xero5 wrote:I was under the impression that they're only allowed to give out plates if everything is fine with the insurance.

While you may have provided insurance information, it's not necessarily verified by the MTO. They're assuming you're providing a valid policy to them, the onus is on you to make sure that's the case.

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Re: Driving With Someone Else's Insurance.

Unread post by Thunderwriter »

Once the ownership changes hands, the insurance is no longer valid. You will need to notify your insurer/set up a new policy in your name.

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