
Careless Driving Ticket Help!! Court Tomorrow.

Author: dmoodie

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Careless Driving Ticket Help!! Court Tomorrow.

Unread post by dmoodie »

I have been charged with

Careless driving contrary to section 130

fail to remain at scene contrary to section 200(1)(a)

fail to report damage contrary to section 201

Now the story is i was driving home early in the morning to get my clothes to go to work. during my drive i encountered a deer crossing the road as i was trying to get my car into a lower gear going into a sharp turn. first reaction was to avoid animal and in doing so i hit a tree and rolled my car. after crawling out of the car (it was flipped over) my cellphone was not working and being 21 panicked and ran away from the accident to my nearest friends house where i stayed for a few hours till i calmed down. in doing this the second two charges were laid.

my court date is tomorrow and i am not sure what i should do. i haven't hired anyone but have spoke to a few police officers and they have said i should be able to plea down to a lesser charge.

what are my options from here? any ideas?

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Re: Careless Driving Ticket Help!! Court Tomorrow.

Unread post by iFly55 »

all three are VERY serious charges

if you plea-bargain: S. 130 Careless Driving usually gets reduced to S. 141 (5) Left turn - fail to afford reasonable opportunity to avoid collision, this carries 3 demerit points and a fine of $110

it's possible the crown will drop the other two charges in exchange for the reduced plea-deal, maybe some members here with more court experience could talk about the likelihood of this

you could also request disclosure and get an adjournment

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