
Gps Time Vs Ticket Time Left Turn King/atlantic

Author: e_fficient

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Gps Time Vs Ticket Time Left Turn King/atlantic

Unread post by e_fficient »

How accurate is the officer's time ?

Original ticket time is 4:?? since officer's writing shows a correction on the first digit that could have been 0 but changed to 1. Second digit looks like 0 changed to 4.

I requested a trial. My trial date is next week Aug 16.

Summons says 4:14 pm WB King St. W - SB Atlantic , Proceed contrary etc.

Another car before mine was pulled over for their ticket before I informed the officer of my GPS.

What strategy is best to proceed for the trial date next week ?

Any ideas most appreciated.

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Re: Gps Time Vs Ticket Time Left Turn King/atlantic

Unread post by Stanton »

Not sure I understand what your'e asking. Is your argument that the time on your GPS is different from the time on the ticket? A difference of a few minutes is irrelevant in Court. If the time was off by several hours you might have an argument but Court isn't so picky to require the exact minute the offence took place.

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Re: Gps Time Vs Ticket Time Left Turn King/atlantic

Unread post by e_fficient »

1. The ticket time in minutes is illegible. Obvious alteration.

2. I believe I made the turn just before 4 pm. GPS time.

3. Officer was standing with the previous car.

4. I sat there for at least 10 minutes before he finished with the previous car.

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Simon Borys
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Re: Gps Time Vs Ticket Time Left Turn King/atlantic

Unread post by Simon Borys »

When you are arraigned at trial the trial the court clerk reads your charge: "You are charged, on or about the xx day of [month] in the City of [blank] in the said region, did commit the offence of..."

The crown has to prove that you did it "on or about" that date. The precise time is not really relevant unless it somehow goes to your defence that it didn't actually happen or something like that.

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