
17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Author: YouDontKnowMe

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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by YouDontKnowMe »

Alright, yeah I guess it makes sense. And LOL. Obviously I'm not gonna say that in court -.- and I know it's not a valid excuse but it was just a general statement. And yeah, I'm aware of the fact that it was fleeing that screwed me over. Could someone expand on the "Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions" that bend mentioned? And thanks everyone for the help! Greatly appreciated !

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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by bend »

YouDontKnowMe wrote:Alright, yeah I guess it makes sense. And LOL. Obviously I'm not gonna say that in court -.- and I know it's not a valid excuse but it was just a general statement. And yeah, I'm aware of the fact that it was fleeing that screwed me over. Could someone expand on the "Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions" that bend mentioned? And thanks everyone for the help! Greatly appreciated !

What is the novice driver escalating sanctions initiative?

Novice drivers will receive a novice driver escalating sanction penalty if, within a five year period, you:

- are convicted of violating any of the graduated licensing conditions;

- are convicted of HTA offences that result in 4 or more demerit points; or,

- receive a court order suspension for HTA offences that would have resulted in 4 or more demerit points.

When did the escalating sanctions initiative take effect?

The escalating sanction program began on August 1, 2010.

What are the escalating sanction penalties for novice drivers?

A novice driver would receive a 30-day licence suspension for the first offence, a 90-day suspension for the second occurrence and would have their licence cancelled for the third occurrence. For the third occurrence, the driver would lose all credit for any time spent in GLS including any Beginner Driver Education time discount and would have to re-apply to enter G1 or M1 as the case may be. Once they enter G1 or M1 again, they would complete all program requirements as if they were a new, never-licensed driver.

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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by YouDontKnowMe »

bend wrote:
YouDontKnowMe wrote:Alright, yeah I guess it makes sense. And LOL. Obviously I'm not gonna say that in court -.- and I know it's not a valid excuse but it was just a general statement. And yeah, I'm aware of the fact that it was fleeing that screwed me over. Could someone expand on the "Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions" that bend mentioned? And thanks everyone for the help! Greatly appreciated !

What is the novice driver escalating sanctions initiative?

Novice drivers will receive a novice driver escalating sanction penalty if, within a five year period, you:

- are convicted of violating any of the graduated licensing conditions;

- are convicted of HTA offences that result in 4 or more demerit points; or,

- receive a court order suspension for HTA offences that would have resulted in 4 or more demerit points.

When did the escalating sanctions initiative take effect?

The escalating sanction program began on August 1, 2010.

What are the escalating sanction penalties for novice drivers?
A novice driver would receive a 30-day licence suspension for the first offence, a 90-day suspension for the second occurrence and would have their licence cancelled for the third occurrence. For the third occurrence, the driver would lose all credit for any time spent in GLS including any Beginner Driver Education time discount and would have to re-apply to enter G1 or M1 as the case may be. Once they enter G1 or M1 again, they would complete all program requirements as if they were a new, never-licensed driver.

Thank you very much !! Greatly appreciated Bend :) So if my license gets cancelled, and I restart the whole Driver Education thing, would that mean my record would be wiped clean and there would be no convictions on my record (for insurance purposes) ?

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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by Stanton »

YouDontKnowMe wrote:Thank you very much !! Greatly appreciated Bend :) So if my license gets cancelled, and I restart the whole Driver Education thing, would that mean my record would be wiped clean and there would be no convictions on my record (for insurance purposes) ?

No, the conviction is permanently on your record, even if you start the graduated licencing process over.

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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by YouDontKnowMe »

Stanton wrote:No, the conviction is permanently on your record, even if you start the graduated licencing process over.

Wow that sucks :/ alright thanks for all the help!

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Radar Identified
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Re: 17 With Two Tickets. Have A Few Questions.

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Ahem, NO. Just so this is clear to everyone who uses this forum, we DO NOT delete threads.

Thank you.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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