
Fighting Stop Sign Ticket

Author: ojasdatt

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Fighting Stop Sign Ticket

Unread post by ojasdatt »

So I failed to stop on a stop sign and got a ticket in Toronto, I am fighting it as the stop sign in a pretty bad shape and I was stoped late at night (hardly visible)

Filed at York Civic Center

2700 Eglinton Avenue W

My question is Where do I call if I haven't received a court date withing 6 months and can i request for a Disclosure before I get a court date ?

Thank you

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Re: Fighting Stop Sign Ticket

Unread post by ojasdatt »

Any help would be appreciated ? I have the Video and the Pics of the stop sign. Should I be doing something else ?

Than you

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Re: Fighting Stop Sign Ticket

Unread post by bend »

ojasdatt wrote:My question is Where do I call if I haven't received a court date withing 6 months and can i request for a Disclosure before I get a court date ?

Just call or attend the courthouse where you filed. Explain you requested a court date 6 months ago and you are making sure a date wasn't already scheduled without your knowledge. It's quite possible they are under the impression you have already been notified. Either that or a date hasn't been sent yet.

You can request disclosure as soon as you receive a court date. It's premature to request one now.

ojasdatt wrote:I have the Video and the Pics of the stop sign. Should I be doing something else ?

Yes. Usually, there's a procedure you must perform before your court date if you plan on using pictures and video at your trial. I've never had to do it, so maybe someone else can chime in and help.

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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:15 pm

Re: Fighting Stop Sign Ticket

Unread post by ojasdatt »

Great thx

I know about the pictures i need the following as per this website

1) Orignal Camera and the Photographer

2) Photo Hard Copies need to be printed from a retail store with reciept

3) Photos or vido should have date on them

Let me know If i am missing anything

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