Approximately 25% of the German Autobahn have speed limits (some as high as 130kph). 75% has no speed limit for specified vehicles (excludes trailers, transport trucks, etc.). Each lane does not have it's own speed limit, though slower traffic must keep to the right lanes. Here is some pertinent info about the Autobahn, all of which could be implemented here. But for some reason, our government and police forces don't agree with the German model, regardless of how intelligent it is.
The average speed traveled on the autobahn in unregulated areas by automobiles not regulated by other laws is about 150 km/h.
Autobahn Traffic laws and enforcement
The German autobahn network is patrolled by unmarked police cars and motorcycles equipped with video cameras. This practice allows the enforcement of laws (tailgating, for example) which are often viewed in other countries as difficult to prove in court. ("I suggested this method of traffic law enforcement to Cam Woolly himself (more video cameras / less radar guns). I got no positive reaction")
* Autobahns in Austria and Germany may only be used by powered vehicles that are designed to achieve a maximum speed exceeding 60 km/h (Switzerland: 80 km/h).
* The right lane must be used when it is free, and the left lane is generally intended for passing maneuvers only. Drivers using the left lane when the other lanes are free may be fined by autobahn police.
(this is also an HTA regulation but it is clear to anyone driving on the 401 that it is not understood or enforced here) * Overtaking on the right (Undertaking) is forbidden, except in traffic jams where it may be practiced with caution. The fact that the car overtaken is illegally occupying the left-hand lane is not an acceptable excuse. In these cases the police will routinely stop and fine both drivers.
* Not allowing faster cars to overtake one's own car if the traffic situation allows it (eg. by occupying the left-hand lane for a longer period of time) may be considered coercion[6].
(absolutely the most basic safety related issue, again, not practiced effectively by Ontarians) * In case of a traffic accident, the drivers must form an emergency lane to guarantee that emergency services can reach the scene of the accident. This lane must be formed between the left lane and the lane next to the left lane (i.e. between the two leftmost lanes). (Very clever. Never thought of that before) * It is unlawful for a driver to stop their vehicle on the road for any reason except in an emergency or situations where stopping is unavoidable, such as being involved in a collision. This includes stopping on emergency lanes. Running out of fuel is considered preventable and is consequently fined.
* It is also unlawful to turn around or back up on the Autobahn under any circumstances. Doing so is punishable under criminal law.
* The distance between vehicles (in metres) should be at least half the speed (in km/h) at all times (e.g. at least 60 meters at 120 km/h). This corresponds to a "lead time" of just under 2 seconds. Again, the fact that the car in front is illegally occupying the left-hand lane when the right-hand lane is free does not excuse following too closely.
Fines for tailgating were increased in May 2006. At speeds of over 100 km/h, keeping less than 30 percent of the recommended distance now results in a suspension of one's driver's license for one to three months.
(Tailgaiting is taken very seriously on the Autobahn. More so than speed. They are very smart!)
* The legal regulations explicitly allow drivers to honk or flash headlights shortly in order to indicate intention of overtaking.[7] Obtrusive behavior of the potentially overtaking car, such as constantly flashing headlights or driving at insufficient distances for a longer period of time is illegal and may be prosecuted as coercion. This may also apply to drivers not allowing faster cars to overtake their car if the traffic situation allows it (eg. by occupying the left-hand lane for a longer period of time)[8]. (In Ontario, it is widely considered rude to flash your high-beams. It often leads to road rage. We need to be educated that it is just a useful signal of intention to pass and it should not be regarded as an insult) * The tires must be approved for the vehicle's top speed. Tires for lower speeds (i.e. cheaper than high-speed tires) are only allowed if they are marked as Winter tires (M+S or M/S). In this case the driver must have a sticker in the cockpit reminding of the maximum speed.
All data derived from