Disobey Officer Directing Traffic (hta Sec 134(1))
Hi, I am a Taxi Driver in Toronto. On August 5th, 2012 I was driving on east bound Lakeshore Blvd West, while there was huge traffic due to an event at Molson Amphitheater. I stopped on the Red light behind another taxi cab on the center lane. While I was stopped a group of 4 people ran toward my cab and opened my rear right side door and started to get into my taxi and as they were getting in my cab the red light turned to green. It was less than 30 sec and a police office on motorbike came beside my window and ask me to keep moving. As my rear door still open I could not start moving immediately and I told the office If I move someone can get hurt. Then the officer got really mad and said "Thats it...pull over now". As the customers got inside my cab I pulled over on the right side as the office said and I ended up getting a ticket for DISOBEY OFFICER DIRECTING TRAFFIC, under HTA SEC 134(1).
I also got the disclouser for this ticket, the disclouser stated that I stopped twice and picked up two fares, whereas I only picked up one fare and the city of toronto by-law does not allow pick-up another while ther is fare already ion the cab. ( Copy of the disclouser also attached)
I have a court appointment regarding this ticket tomorrow. Can you help me , how can I proceed with this. Thanks
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- disclosure.jpg (63.12 KiB) Viewed 4256 times
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