
Parking In Handicap Zone

Author: Goldenkey

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Parking In Handicap Zone

Unread post by Goldenkey »

I was in Stratford Ontario the other day and received a $300.00 ticket for parking in a handicap zone. I would never have done that knowingly and missed the sign due to it's location and the confusion of so many other parking signs surrounding it. All other signs indicated that these two metered parking spots were ok to park in and openly faced me, the motorist, as I approached coming down the road. The no parking in a handicap sign, along with a second parking by permit sign, both faced straight out to the opposite side of the road and were not visible as one approached the spots by car. Once I pulled in, again, they were not visible as they were raised high and located to the rear of the vehicle and did not have any writing facing the meter as I dropped by money in.

Imagine my surprise, later that day, when I returned and found a ticket. I checked the meter, still 2 hours left on it, I checked the no parking arrows, which where to either side of the two spots and walked out unto the roadway and saw the handicap signs.

Important to note that the handicap sign itself was barely visible as all the paint/colour had worn off. You could see a faint imprint of where the red P and line through it was and the blue handicap portion was completely faded out as well. The second lower sign, stating by permit only during certain hours was still visible.

I'm conscientious and was paying close attention to all the other disabled signs, clearly visible and facing me as I drove down the streets as well as the no parking due to bus zones, etc. I just find it frustrating that this one sign was not visible to approaching traffic and easily missed as we jumped out of the cars (it was cold, running and windy yesterday) and put our money into the meter.

Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated. As well, what would be an acceptable amount if the city were to compromise and lower the amount of the ticket?

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Re: Parking In Handicap Zone

Unread post by MegaSilver »

Goldenkey wrote:Please disregard above post as issue has been resolved. Thanks :)

Myself and others I imagine would like to hear what happened, if you don't mind sharing.

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Joined: Fri May 24, 2013 12:52 pm

Re: Parking In Handicap Zone

Unread post by Goldenkey »

I contacted the city's parking administrator. I explained everything, as detailed above, and arranged to send in photos. They sent it for review and decided to cancel the ticket. Not sure if it was because they knew it was a honest mistake (the gal acknowledged she could hear my sincerity); or if it was because the signs weren't clearly visible as one approached; or if it was because the handicap sign was faded with no blue and very little red thus rendering it ineffective. I'll never know but I'm thoroughly grateful they were fair about the situation and overturned the parking enforcement officer's ticket. I'd also like to add that the gal I was dealing with was extremely courteous and professional. Very impressed in how they handled the whole situation with me. It was quite a relief!

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