
Ticket For Not Wearing A Seatbelt

Author: babik04

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Ticket For Not Wearing A Seatbelt

Unread post by babik04 »

Hi all,

I received two tickets today! The 1st ticket was for "Driver failed to properly wear seat belt". Once the cop stopped me he had asked me if I knew why I was pulled over and I was unsure. He told me how I wasn't wearing my seat belt. I was wearing my belt and the cop was on the left hand lane looking into my car on the right hand lane. The cop then pulled me over after the light turned green to the right in which I was already in that lane. I was wearing my seat belt the whole entire time and with him looking into my car from the left lane I knew he was trying to figure something out but was unsure. Also what does "properly" mean? When he had told me I wasn't wearing my seat belt why didn't he just write on the ticket "driver failed to wear a seat belt" instead of "driver failed to properly wear seat belt" that can be interpreted in so many ways.

2nd ticket - He had asked for my license, ownership, and insurance. He came back and told me how my "ownership documents" did not have a valid permit sticker on it BUT my license plate has the valid sticker. I was in shock as I never have heard that you also have to have a sticker on your "ownership documents".

On my seat belt ticket he did not write any section just under the contrary to section: "Highway traffic act" and on my "ownership documents" ticket under the "did commit the offence of" he wrote "drive motor vehicle - no currently validated permit" which contradicts what he said because my license plate has a valid sticker.

He walked away without letting me know of any other information as of my rights or any of that and just left. As I was observing the tickets it seems that he wrote my driver license number incorrectly as well, does this help in anyway?

I really feel he just had a bad day and took it out on me. I am seeking for advice as to what I need to do in this case, please advise I greatly appreciate it!

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Re: Ticket For Not Wearing A Seatbelt

Unread post by bend »

babik04 wrote:

2nd ticket - He had asked for my license, ownership, and insurance. He came back and told me how my "ownership documents" did not have a valid permit sticker on it BUT my license plate has the valid sticker. I was in shock as I never have heard that you also have to have a sticker on your "ownership documents".

When you get new plate stickers, you get two different ones. One is for your plate and one for the back of your registration.

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