
Expired Sticker On Plate -

Author: on_plane

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Expired Sticker On Plate -

Unread post by on_plane »

First off, this is my first post and I'm hoping this is the right area. I looked through the different sections and didn't see anything that was pertaining to this exact situation.

Background - Birthday was October 1st and yes, I have completely forgotten to renew my sticker. I was pulled over yesterday by a very polite officer who issued me a ticket. When she returned to my vehicle the only thing that was said was: "Take this to court, but get your sticker tomorrow."

I was confused so I asked her to explain, she said: "Take this to court, but make sure you get your sticker tomorrow, okay? Just look at the date on the ticket."

So I felt confused, but looked at the information on the ticket pertaining to dates and everything looks correct.

Question: I know shes trying to help me out, but can someone explain this further to me? Why not just come back to my car and give me a warning?

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Re: Expired Sticker On Plate -

Unread post by highwaystar »

Without seeing the ticket, I don't think anyone can tell you whether the officer was 'alluding' to anything more than just recommending you go to court to see if the Prosecutor will drop the charge if you get your plates renewed. I highly doubt the officer would purposely make an error on the ticket. As for the prosecutions, it all depends on the jurisdiction---some prosecutor locations drop the charge if you have no record and have corrected it right away, while most other prosecution offices generally just reduce the fine.

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Re: Expired Sticker On Plate -

Unread post by on_plane »

Thanks for the information. I could post the picture I suppose, but everything looks correct to me.... I also doubt they would fill out incorrect info on the ticket.

I will get the sticker this afternoon and then go to the address listed on the ticket and see what I can do.

Do I just tell the employee at the window what has happened and see what they say?

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Re: Expired Sticker On Plate -

Unread post by Stanton »

Explain to the clerk that you're seeking a first attendance meeting with the prosecutor (it will need to be scheduled for a later date). On that date the Crown will likely offer you a deal.

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