
74 In A 40 Zone Question!

Author: zra

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74 In A 40 Zone Question!

Unread post by zra »

On April 24, I was given a ticket by CP police (surprisingly) for going 74 in a 40 zone. I was driving my parents S550 and the digitial said I was going 60. When the officer pulled me over, I complied as I quickly realized there was no point in lying. I decided to stay quiet and proceded to allow the officer to do what was necessary and asked to not answer any questions. The officer gave me a reduced ticket to a 50 in a 40 zone based on cooperation and afterwards warned me if I fought it in court, They would pursue the full charge for 74 in a 40. However, he recorded the wrong year and wrote 2012. My lawyer advised me to fight the charge as sometimes officers will make the ammendment without notifying me under the assumption the ticket will be paid. I got a letter from

The court saying the ticket was not filed due to the incorrect date. Its been 6 months and I haven't gotten any conviction letter, and the officer never re issued the ticket. I was wondering how many months do they get to reissue me with ammended ticket? Im 19 with a G license and no other convictions. I have not received any other tickets in that time perood as well.

Also, would this appear to my insurance company?


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Re: 74 In A 40 Zone Question!

Unread post by daggx »

The limitation period for the officer to lay a charge is 6 months. After that they can no longer issue you a summons for for that particular incident, so if it has been over six months since the first ticket was issued you are in the clear. Since the charge was never filed nothing will appear on your driving abstract and your insurance company will never hear about the ticket.

Posts: 21
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Re: 74 In A 40 Zone Question!

Unread post by zra »

Thank you very much for the information!

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