
143 In A 100 Zone Court Papers Mailed To The Wrong Place

Author: clone702008

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143 In A 100 Zone Court Papers Mailed To The Wrong Place

Unread post by clone702008 »

Hey bros,

So...I got a speeding ticket about a year and three months ago in Barrie for doing 143 in a 100 zone, I requested a trial for the ticket and nothing happened until last week. That's when I received a letter from the Ministry of transportation telling me my License is suspended for unpaid tickets.

So I go down to the court services area to inquire about whats going on and thats where I found out that I had a court date on January of this year. However, the address that they mailed the court date too is completely wrong for example if I lived on 502 dundas st unit 412 they mailed it to 572 dundas st unit 4B. Not only that but during this entire time I didnt get any other letter saying I was convicted for the offense or any notice to pay any fines.

So my question now is…can I do anything about this ticket and the fee I will have to pay now just to reinstate my License?

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Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:32 am

Re: 143 In A 100 Zone Court Papers Mailed To The Wrong Place

Unread post by clone702008 »

So...since I didn't get any replies here I decided to go to the traffic courts and ask them what my options were concerning the above matter. They suggested I reopened my case which would negate the initial conviction and suspension (plus fees).

So now that my case is open again, would it be possible to file 11b? (15 months has past since ticket was first issue)

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