
Failure To Obey Sign + Insurance Slip

Author: ron58

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Failure To Obey Sign + Insurance Slip

Unread post by ron58 »

I was given a ticket for a failure to disobey sign for a left turn from 4 to 6:30 PM. I took the left turn at 4:05, missed it by 5 minutes. I have a clean record and i always follow rules, but that ticket was during my final exam time and i was under a lot of stress. (I am a student). Also, I took my mom's car and the officer asked for my insurance slip and I gave an expired slip because my mom had the original updated slip with her and not in the car. So he also gave me a failure to show insurance slip for $65. But I do have an insurance coverage, it's just that my mom had the slip. My first ticket was section 182(2) for 2 demerit points I think. I'm not worried about the fine, I just don't want the points because it is my first ticket and It will affect my insurance a lot since I am a student. Is there any way I can talk to the officer and get my points deducted? I chose option 2 on the ticket for early resolution.


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Re: Failure To Obey Sign + Insurance Slip

Unread post by Stanton »

All tickets affect your insurance rates regardless of demerit points. At the early resolution meeting youll have a chance to meet with the Crown prosecutor. They will most likely offer you a plea deal where they'll drop one ticket in exchange for you pleading guilty to the other. If your insurance provider overlooks your first conviction, that might be the best deal to take. If you go plan on going to trial, you'll have to do some research and see if there's any defence you can use.

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Re: Failure To Obey Sign + Insurance Slip

Unread post by bend »

ron58 wrote:I'm not worried about the fine, I just don't want the points because it is my first ticket and It will affect my insurance a lot since I am a student. Is there any way I can talk to the officer and get my points deducted? I chose option 2 on the ticket for early resolution.

You're thinking backwards here, but you're not alone. Lots of people think demerit points are the worst part of a ticket. For the most part, they are useless.

Insurance doesn't care about points. They don't calculate them, they don't use them, and they don't need them. Demerit points are a penalty system used by the government to punish repeat offenders. That's it. They are the only ones calculating your points. Unless you are classified as a Novice Driver or someone who can't stay out of trouble, they are considered mostly useless. It's quite possible the majority of drivers out there wont collect enough demerit points in their lifetime to warrant a mandatory suspension, never mind the fact they expire 2 years from the day you were pulled over.

Insurance only looks at your convictions. How they decide to proceed is up to them. As Stanton pointed out, show them valid insurance at your meeting for the time you were pulled over. They'll likely toss it if you plead guilty to the remaining charge.

If you're thinking you'd be better off with 2 convictions with zero points versus one conviction with points, you'd be dead wrong.

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