
Advice When Approaching The Crown

Author: WilsonPepe

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Advice When Approaching The Crown

Unread post by WilsonPepe »

Hi, I received a pink summon for a careless driving charge. I would ideally like to reach a resolution with the crown for a lesser charge, arriving early before court. However, I have not been able to obtain legal representation before the summon. My questions is whether I can ask for a resolution or if the crown will automatically offer me one if they are willing to anyway? I ask because I would like to adjourn if it is going to trail to be able to seek legal advice, but don't know if asking for a resolution hurts my chances for adjourning or if the crown will simply offer me the best deal in before court without me asking.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Advice When Approaching The Crown

Unread post by tremor »

Best to make an appointment with the justice of the peace to talk about the offense. They could tell advise you on the proceedings and what all is required of you and/or your legal defense.

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