
Failed To Yield Right Of Way

Author: dj41490

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Failed To Yield Right Of Way

Unread post by dj41490 »

I just took my G2 test and failed. 30 points max the examiner only deducted me 4 points. The instructor informed me that the examiner was new. I stopped at a 2 way stop and knew that I have to give right of way to the lanes perpendicular to me which was a one way street. I roll a bit further so I have more vision to see if there's any incoming cars on my right within 100 meters. I checked my right no car, then turned my head to my left and see no car. I started moving forward about 1/3 of the intersection, suddenly this car was driving 50 to 60 km/h in a 40km zone coming from my right. I stomped my brake immediately at same time as my examiner did on the passenger brake. The examiner failed me because I didn't give the right of way. Was I wrong? What else can I do in that situation? Can I appeal? If so, what are the procedures? Was I suppose to appeal immediately?

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Re: Failed To Yield Right Of Way

Unread post by bend »

dj41490 wrote:I just took my G2 test and failed. 30 points max the examiner only deducted me 4 points.

Doesn't matter. The points on a driving test are based on your ability. Not everyone is going to park perfect, but it's not against the law to make an extra move while parking. Breaking the law while driving is an automatic fail as far as I know.

dj41490 wrote:The examiner failed me because I didn't give the right of way. Was I wrong?

You're wrong.

dj41490 wrote:What else can I do in that situation?

Pay attention?

dj41490 wrote:Can I appeal?

Just do the test again. You're not the first person to fail a test. You can book another test 10 days minimum after the last. You'll be alright.

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