
Open Liquor

Author: amigro

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Open Liquor

Unread post by amigro »

This is to anyone with some knowledge with these tickets. I received a ticket for open alcohol in my vehicle under the L.L.A. and was informed by a friend of mine who doesn't have a driver's license that he has had the same ticket while being a passenger and has never paid the ticket to date. I'd imagine he might have trouble getting his license if he ever decides to one day.

As for me, if I just decide not to pay the ticket, will I get my driver's license suspended like it states on the conviction notice?

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Simon Borys
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Re: Open Alcohol In Car

Unread post by Simon Borys »

LLA offences do not appear on your drivers abstract, therefore they are not likely to prevent you from getting your licence. However, there are still methods that the government can use to collect - such as collection agencies.

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Re: Open Alcohol In Car

Unread post by amigro »

Simon Borys wrote:LLA offences do not appear on your drivers abstract, therefore they are not likely to prevent you from getting your licence. However, there are still methods that the government can use to collect - such as collection agencies.

Thank you sir, I'm cool with paying the fine, just not in the time i was given and wouldn't like if it resulted in a suspension which would be another $150

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Re: Open Alcohol In Car

Unread post by Gabriel »

What if he urinated in the bottle? I would fight it, order disclosure then make your decision on what to do.

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Re: Open Liquor

Unread post by am4u2ster »


We were heading towards the wasaga beach, however my friends is on passenger side having a liquor with open container, having a drink without my understanding, that i did not know, we were almost there, and police officer was just waiting for us on road and told me to pull a car, and i did it so, and officer found that my friend is consuming a alcohol with open container, and asked him for his ID, and asked for my driver license and insurance and ownership paper and i hand it over to him, and told me to come out from my car, for a breath on their machine, as i did not consumed anything and it was zero alcohol in my body, and told me be seated in your car, i will come and see you. and i did it so, and told me you will not a get ticket, the officer was so kind to me, such a big relieve, but my friend is on passenger side got the ticket, worth of $125 with sec 31(2). but on his ticket he mentioned my car number plate does it affect my driving history or insurance.

Please help :mrgreen:

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