Got A Question Regarding Littering Ticket
Hello All
My son currently has his license suspended for too many demerit points (I know no sympathy here but that is besides the point) anyway he was riding with a friend and tossed his cigarette out the window. An officer who had been following them for about 5 minutes pulled them over and gave my son a ticket for littering. My son did not have any ID to give him as his license was suspended. My son gave him his name and birthdate. The officer found his license number in his system and wrote it on the ticket. He then handed the ticket to the driver not my son. What I want to know if he wrote his license number down does that mean it will go on his driving record even though he wasn't even driving at the time. And should the officer not have given the ticket directly to my son not the driver. The officer was asked why they were pulled over and the officer said "I don't need a reason to pull you over. I can check the status of the license of the driver" The officer proceeded to give the ticket and then call my son stupid.
anyway should we fight the ticket?