
Unsafe Lane Change - Officer's Notes

Author: DjDATZ

Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:57 pm

Unsafe Lane Change - Officer's Notes

Unread post by DjDATZ »

First, let me start and say thank you for being here! This forum is always an invaluable tool for research, and I often come back just to read up and fill my mind with random knowledge! Thank you all for your time (which I'm sure is purely on a volunteer basis)! <3


So I received a ticket for an 'unsafe' lane change, Sec 154(1)(a). I requested disclosure, I got the officer's notes, (nearly ineligible) and the officer wrote in that I was traveling at approximately 130km/h, which I know I wasn't. If he didn't measure the speed in any way (speed matching or radar; can't be laser as we were moving), and he has no proof he measured it, can I get this stricken from his notes?

Additionally, since I can't really read the ending notes of the officer, can someone attempt to translate this for me?

DR ID on DL as/es (not sure about this?) RO + caultud as careless driving

Driver ID'd on Driver's License... don't know what the middle things are... cautioned as careless driving?

I have the entire "offence" on video from my dash cam including all 4 lane changes mentioned in the officer's notes, how would I go about getting this entered into court as evidence during the trial? (Mostly concerned with what format does it need to be in to be readable/playable in the courtroom?)

Thanks in advance!


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