
Suspension Notice

Author: gemjatt

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:06 pm

Suspension Notice

Unread post by gemjatt »

Hey there,

My friend received a three day suspension but the suspension notice did not have a suspension number. Instead where there should have been a number it read 'System Down' and the officer seized his licence (it was a road side suspension for blowing a warning).

He had a clean record up until that day and was very sorry for doing what he did. He's actually a very upstanding citizen and it seems the officer gave him a break because he didn't get a ticket.

After the 3 day suspension he went to the MTO and asked for a new licence but nothing about the 3 day suspension showed up on the system and he was only charged a $25 replacement fee. I told him he should call the MTO to ensure there is no mix up as there is a $150 reinstatement fee. He is worried if he calls the MTO then the 'break' the officer gave him would be undone.

He pulled his abstract today but there is no Suspension notice on it. How long does it a take a suspension to show up on an abstract? He was suspended on Sunday Dec. 21 at 3AM and went to go pick up his licence today. Are suspensions filed right away or can officers file them a few days (weeks) later?

Any help is appreciated.


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