
Carged With Careless After Hitting A Car Parked On Highway

Author: Jordyn13

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Carged With Careless After Hitting A Car Parked On Highway

Unread post by Jordyn13 »

I'm 17 years old with a G2 license and when I was driving home from work at 10:30pm on Saturday, October 18 I rear-ended a car that was parked on the highway and was charged with careless driving. The driver of the car I collide with was thankfully uninjured but I had to be taken to hospital with non life threatening injuries. It was late at night and therefore dark and the part of the highway I was driving on ha no street lights and was curved, so seeing conditions were not great and he car I hit was parked in the middle of the lane with no hazard lights or indicator lights on so I did not see it until it was too late. The driver of the car I hit said in their statement that they were stopped for traffic but there was no traffic on the highway at that time. I am going to court in a few weeks to discuss and fight the charge due to the fact that because the car I hit was unnecessarily parked on the highway I feel that some of blame should go to that driver as well as myself and that my charged should be diminished to a less serious charge. Am I right to fight the charge due to the circumstance?

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Re: Carged With Careless After Hitting A Car Parked On Highw

Unread post by ynotp »

Trying to blame the car for being there for any reason is not going to fly especially if it was not moving. You are supposed to drive at such a speed where you would be able to detect what is ahead and respond accordingly. If it is dark and your headlights do not give you enough reduce speed.

You will likely be offered a following too close charge in exchange for pleading guilty, you might be able to get it down further. Before accepting any reduced charge review the evidence against you and see if it will support a conviction.

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