
Location On Ticket Does Not Exist - Is This A Fatal Error?

Author: YYZE

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Location On Ticket Does Not Exist - Is This A Fatal Error?

Unread post by YYZE »

I was reviewing the information on my careless driving ticket, and I noticed that the location on the ticket does not exist.

He wrote that the incident happened on Lakeshore Avenue and Lower Jarvis Street in Toronto. However, the incident actually happened on Lakeshore Boulevard East and Lower Jarvis Street. The location he wrote does not exist (Lakeshore Avenue is on Toronto Island).

Is this a fatal error? And if so, how do I go about dealing with it.

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Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:07 am

Re: Location On Ticket Does Not Exist - Is This A Fatal Erro

Unread post by Seiba »

I don't believe so. No location would be a fatal error. I'm fairly certain the location can be amended if it was the incorrect street suffix. If it were a completely invalid location that doesn't happen to hit Lower Jarvis Street (say, Bathurst St.), then you could argue the location does not exist.

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