Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
So I see lots of municipalities are now PRINTING the 3 part tickets (Certificate of Offence, Notice of Offence, Payment Notice) electronically.
My understanding is that the latter two (Notice of Offence and Payment Notice) gets given to the defendant, while the Certificate gets signed and filed in court, showing of course that it's a true copy of the Notice of Offence.
Now my question is, does anybody know whether the Certificates all get filed electronically or does the officer have to physically file that Certificate? And if the officer accidentally gives the Certificate to the defendant as well as the other two documents, can he simply print another one off and file it?
It would seem rather redundant, given than if it was a paper ticket, giving the Certificate to the defendant would leave the officer with no Certificate to sign and file, but I haven't been able to find an answer on this one.
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Re: Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
E tickets get filed automatically. The printed copies are just for the charged person. There is nothing to turn in anymore.
Re: Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
So why would the printer print off a Certificate of Offence if they're useless otherwise?
Re: Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
OPS: I noticed the back of the Certificate has info for what to do and everything, the court docket or what have you. So my question, if with the paper tickets the point of the Certificate portion of the 3 or 4 part ticket was to ensure it's the same thing given, and that paper if accidentally given to the defendant essentially means no Certificate to file, wouldn't that be the same case now?
Printer prints off Notice, Payment Form, and Certificate. First two to defendant, and third for officer to submit in court?
As you mentioned about printed tickets being for the person charged, I don't see anything about a charged person getting the Certificate as it's supposed to be for courts, or is it just redundant paperwork and an extra form that's been unnecessarily printed?
Re: Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
As OPS stated, nothing is actually filed by the officer anymore. The e-ticket is submitted electronically to the courts. The only thing the officer needs to print is a copy of the ticket to serve the defendent.
While I can't speak to whether the officer printed out something extra or redundant with your ticket, it won't unfortunately prevent it from being forwarded to the Courts like it would with a regular old fashion paper ticket.
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Re: Electronically Printed Certificate Of Offence
Because that is the way the system prints it out. I didn't make or write the software that writes the ticket, neither did the jurisdictions. We bought it and that is how it prints.
I would suspect printing a not used certificate is cheaper than creating custom software and hardware system.
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