
First Speeding Ticket Will My Insurance Increase?

Author: qwerty1205

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Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:25 am

Re: First Speeding Ticket Will My Insurance Increase?

Unread post by eurobertson »

qwerty1205 wrote:Today I've gotten my first speeding ticket going 90 in a 60 zone. I was cooperative and knew I was speeding and the officer reduced my ticket to "75km in a 60" so I won't get any demerit points. I'm only 19, driving with a G2 and listed as a casual driver secondary driver under my mother's car. I asked the officer if this would increase my insurance and he told me its different with every insurance company, some won't increase in minor infraction cases while others will. So I'm just wonder if anyone here had their insurance premium increase from a first minor offense speeding ticket? I'm scared that this would increase my mother's insurance as well and I feel bad for that happening. I'm with Chieftain auto insurance.

EDIT: Additionally , I'll be eligible to take my G test in May since I've been carrying a G2 for almost a year now. Will this ticket affect me taking the G test at all? And how would my mother be able to find out about this ticket? When she renews her license plate yearly?

oh im sorry to hear that qwerty1205

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Re: First Speeding Ticket Will My Insurance Increase?

Unread post by jsherk »

@eurobertson - I don't think a solicitor in the UK will be able to help much here in Ontario.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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