
Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Author: John2015

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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by John2015 »

I have no doubts.

I just plainly do not know what follows or what to expect in either direction.

Ignoring the ticket: Can you please outline the story to follow for me?

Thank you

...All the legal wording frightens me. It is usually something that can be said straight forward in a few words, but they would exhaust a page... So hard to digest...

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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by John2015 »

Many thanks to iFly55 and daggx!!!

A month overdue thanks...

I ignored the ticket and that's it. Renewed my sticker... Apparently the ticket vanished.



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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by Decatur »

Not paying a provincial offence notice doesn't prohibit you from renewing your validation sticker. Only outstanding parking tickets will.

Outstanding provincial offence notices will result in a licence suspension. You might want to contact the courts and dig a little bit to make sure you haven't been convicted.

Lack of a signature on your copy is not a fatal error that can be forced by just ignoring the ticket. The JP won't know that your ticket doesn't have a signature.

This error has to be forced in court.

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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by John2015 »

Decatur wrote:Not paying a provincial offence notice doesn't prohibit you from renewing your validation sticker. Only outstanding parking tickets will.

Outstanding provincial offence notices will result in a licence suspension. You might want to contact the court sad dig s little bit to make sure you haven't been convicted.

Lack of a signature on your copy is not a fatal error that can be forced by just ignoring the ticket. The JP won't know that your ticket doesn't have a signature.

This error has to be forced in court.

Hm... Wow...

Thank you for your input, Decatur.

I couldn't decode this: "sad dig s little bit". Did you suggest that I contact them, expressing sadness and dig a little bit around to clarify my situation?

I tried to see if online payment could go to the money point and got this:

>Offence number xxxxxxxB cannot be paid at this time.

>Please call the Toronto Court Services call centre at 416-338-7320 (press 3),

>Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and quote reference number xxx.

What would that mean? Should I call the above number to see if the charge is still hanging?

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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by Radar Identified »

"sad dig s little bit".

In context: "You might want to contact the court and dig a little bit to make sure you haven't been convicted."

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Ticketed In A Slow Trafic

Unread post by jsherk »

If you have been convicted, then you should get a notice in the mail. But sometimes mail gets lost.

So definitely look into it and if you HAVE been convicted, then you need to file an appeal and then you will get a trial date for the appeal and you will have to show up with the original unsigned Notice of Offence/Summons that you received that does not have the signature on it.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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