
Would I Have Been At Fault?

Author: cookies_cat

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Would I Have Been At Fault?

Unread post by cookies_cat »

Hi there!

I am a new driver still trying to get a solid grip on driving alone.

It took me years to actually get my G2 as I just didn't want to drive.

Well, now I have to drive and I'm considering taking more driving school - the one I took to get my G2 was just mainly focused on what would get me to pass the G1 exit test.

I had a weird situation yesterday. I was coming out of work (it's a private road) and turning right onto a main street in Scarborough.

I stopped, then crept forward to make sure I could see, I looked left, then right (to ensure no one was crossing) then left again. No one was coming from the left in the right lane - only a bus was slowing down to stop and the stop just before the lights. There was someone in the left lane (not the turning lane) Before the lights on this side it's two lanes with a left hand turn lane but after the lights on my side, it becomes 3. When I was mid turn the guy who was driving in the left land changed lanes in front of the bus then honked at me.

Am I in the wrong here? Was there something that I could have done differently?

Thanks for any help

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Re: Would I Have Been At Fault?

Unread post by ynotp »

If you are entering from a private road or driveway you are supposed to make sure the way is clear. (Unsafe turn)

The person changing lanes is also supposed to make sure the way is clear. (Unsafe lane change)

You turned right onto a road in front of a stopped bus and someone passed the bus and changed into the right lane that you were turning into? Correct?

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