
Advise On Car Seats

Author: bobajob

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Advise On Car Seats

Unread post by bobajob »

booster seats are supposed to be used for children from 18kgs onwards

1) if a child is not quite 18kg, say 16kg could/would the driver get a ticket, what would be the charge ?

2) if a car was stopped, is this something a LEO would check or know how to check

3) is this more of an issue if the car was in an accident and SIU was investigating as opposed to an ordinary traffic stop

also something I heard that someone had done:

what is the charge likely levied if a driver is caught transporting a child (6 or so I think) (and not in a taxi) in the rear in an ordinary seat/with seat belt, but no car seat of any description


* NO you cant touch your phone
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* Challenge every ticket
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Re: Advise On Car Seats

Unread post by ynotp »

Even though you can switch to a booster at 18kg, you're supposed to use car seats until they grow out the of them as per the manufacturers weight (20kg or so) though the law says you use a booster.

You can be charged with a violation of Ontario regulation 613 (8) made under the authority of the HTA.

If the person who stopped you and asked you the child's weight you're obliged to answer truthfully or not at all. As a driver you are responsible for passengers under 16 being buckled in as per the law this means you would have to know the weight of the child in order to comply.

A car seat is safer that a booster seat because of the harness.

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