Advice Regarding Unspecified Offence (90 In A 70)
I am looking for some advice regarding a ticket I received today. I was clocked at going 90 in a 70 (20 km/hr over).
The cop said she would reduce my fine in half to 10 km/hr over since I was being cooperative.
The first unusual thing I noticed with the ticket is that my offense is unspecified. This is exactly what my ticket says:
"Did commit the offence of SPEEDING [MVACTUALSPEED] KM/H IN A [MVMAXIMUMSPEED] KM/H ZONE contrary to Highway Traffic Act HTA 128"
Is this considered a fatal flaw? Do I just ignore the ticket and it will be thrown out because of that?
If it isn't thrown out do I have any grounds to appeal?
Also the set fine was $37.50 and the total payable fine $52.50.
Is this site current? ... d-ontario/
At 10 km/hr over, shouldn't the cost be $40.00? 10 km/hr * $2.50/km + $10 victim surcharge + $5 court cost?
Even at $52.50, at the same rate of $3.75/km...... $3.75/km * 10 km/hr over + $15 victim surcharge + $5 court cost, that is equal to $57.50.
Any help or advice?
Thanks a lot!