Can I Still Get Charged By Opp?
Its been a little over 9 months I had a horrific accident on the highway in Ontario. Luckily I survived in one piece. Just after the accident Officer told me he is gonna charge me and he will talk to me in the hospital but its been over a 9 months no one has contacted me. Officer only contacted me a week after the accident to get my insurance no. and never after that. The story that I told the officer on the scene of accident - I was trying to change the lane and someone honked at me, I remained in my lane but my car started skidding first to left than to right and went under transport truck. I did not know at that point there is any problem with my tire. Moreover, I was more worried my head cause the roof my car hit my head rather than telling what exactly happend at that point. Its been a little over 9 month now but I have not heard anything back from the OPP. I have not got any ticket. According to my insurance its an at fault accident.
No Body got hurt in the accident including me, Transport truck did not even noticed I am under it on the speed of 100 km/hr and it was not damaged. It was just my Subaru got ride off.
Is there any chance they still gonna charge me.?