
Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Author: ChaSil

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Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by ChaSil »

I was pulled over for speeding over 15km. When the police officer asked for the vehicle ownership, I provide him the green registration paper (vehicle permit) however missing the other half as my vehicle is a lease vehicle. I latter found that I had it all along but it was hiding in between my vehicle manual. Anyways, I was charged with "fail to surrender permit of vehicle" as I don't have a complete copy that I can provide to the police officer at that time.

Is "fail to surrender a permit of a vehicle" a moving violation? How will it affect insurance? Is it chargeable conviction or non-chargeable conviction?

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Re: Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by bobajob »

I "believe" if you go to Early Resolution and take the documents/permits etc, they should drop it, I've seen that happen when I went to an ER, but I'm sure one of the more experienced members will be along soon to advise

Stanton also advised similar
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Re: Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by ChaSil »

Hi bobajob,

I brought my document to Early resolution to fight for my tickets (speeding and fail to surrender vehicle permit). The prosecutor gave me three choices:

1. Go to trial

2. Drop the speeding ticket and guilty for the fail to surrender vehicle permit

3. Drop the fail to surrender vehicle permit and guilty to speeding

He mentioned that speeding reflects the driver's behaviour on the road, and fail to surrender vehicle permit can be reflecting your organization skills.

Do anyone know if "fail to surrender permit of a vehicle" is a chargeable conviction in insurance? Do they consider this as moving violation? Does it come out to be "fail to disclose particulars" in MVR when convicted? I called my insurance and in their manual, they have "fail to surrender licence" and "fail to disclose particulars", but they don't have "fail to surrender permit of a motor vehicle".

Please advise.

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Re: Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by jsherk »

"fail to surrender permit" is not as bad as "no permit at all" but you will need to contact your insurance company and ask them if "fail to surrender permit of vehicle" is considered a MINOR, a MAJOR or a SERIOUS offence, and if it would cause your rates to increase.

If they say MAJOR or SERIOUS then you definitely want that one dropped and take the speeding which is a MINOR.

If they say MINOR then you want to choose the charge that is the least amount of money.

If they say none of those three and that it will not affect insurance then you want to drop the speeding and take the fail to surrender.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by bobajob »

sorry dude;

I forgot about the speeding ticket DOH (I'm on Muscle relaxants presently)

I bet you that they are both minor, you can google minor tickets etc or similar for your insurance company,

I did for mine TD meloche monnex and it gave me info-however your insurance company can tell you

IF they are both minor

I would rather not have the speeding on mine

ChaSil wrote:Hi bobajob,

I brought my document to Early resolution to fight for my tickets (speeding and fail to surrender vehicle permit). The prosecutor gave me three choices:

1. Go to trial

2. Drop the speeding ticket and guilty for the fail to surrender vehicle permit

3. Drop the fail to surrender vehicle permit and guilty to speeding

He mentioned that speeding reflects the driver's behaviour on the road, and fail to surrender vehicle permit can be reflecting your organization skills.

Do anyone know if "fail to surrender permit of a vehicle" is a chargeable conviction in insurance? Do they consider this as moving violation? Does it come out to be "fail to disclose particulars" in MVR when convicted? I called my insurance and in their manual, they have "fail to surrender licence" and "fail to disclose particulars", but they don't have "fail to surrender permit of a motor vehicle".

Please advise.

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Re: Fail To Surrender Permit Of A Vehicle

Unread post by bobajob »

15km's over is def a minor, usually anything under 49 is

(I got a 49km over and it was a minor)

I think "IF" it was only a speeding fine they would drop it to 10km's over which I believe is no points (but still a conviction)

as jsherk says not showing is a lot better than not having as far as the permit is concerned

* NO you cant touch your phone
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