
Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accident

Author: alexu

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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by alexu »

Thank you so much Argyll,

very interesting a month and a half passed and the Brief hasnt been delivered to the Crown??? is there a possibility that this simply got lost? because of 2 different policy people and initially wrong date?

I assume when I go back to meet with prosecutor in July, if there is still no Brief, the date will be postponed again?

Thanks again Argyll!!!!

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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by argyll »

No that doesn't seem like an extreme amount of time. Often officers have many to complete plus new investigations coming in. But you should keep a track of the timelines and how often it wasn't available.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by alexu »

Thanks argyll, you guys are all amazing here.....thanks for advises....I am just worried about this, accident itself is stressful, and this neighbor had similar situation and had a hearing 2 weeks ago, and so before she (her paralegal) even started to speak , Prosecutor has provided them with the written deal of 2 I kind of hoped to get some deal yesterday as well, even though this not found "brief" maybe a good thing, I just wanted to finish with this and keep on.....

Thank you all

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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by alexu »

Hello All,

I understand that this forum is mostly for self defense, however I would like to ask if anybody knows some paralegal with good reputation for Careless charges?

There is so many of them and more I read and get advises from you guys, more I understand that there are not a lot of these people I spoke to already with great knowledge....

As usual, your responses are very much appreciated, I am just asking for the personal opinion of the people who may already dealt with similar situations and hired somebody....

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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by alexu »

Hello All,

First I wanted to thank each one of you for the great forum, everything can happen on the road and the rule #1 is follow the rules and be extra careful ( i am always trying and tried this time but it didnt work - will be even more careful next time)!!!

The overall experience is not bad at all, and people in court are very helpful!

Special thanks for agryll and jsherk......

I spoke to the prosecutor today and actually before I even opened my mouth I have been given a deal of 2 points "Failed to turn left to avoid collision", also the driver of the car I have rear ended received a ticket as well for "unnecessary slow driving" .........

my notes were almost a copy of they said I had been trying to avoid collision which is true......

Anyhow I accepted the deal and took the plead......probably I would of won if I take it to court, but at the end of the day I was the one who rearended and been offered the deal, so I took it.

Thanks all

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Re: Careless Driving Summons Under Part I As Result Of Accid

Unread post by argyll »

Thanks for the update. Probably a good move - Careless can be hard to prove for the Crown but the ramifications if you lose are so significant that it's often best to accept the lesser charge.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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