I prepared 11b document, 6 copies form requesting stay of proceeding, stamped by the attorney general of Canada and Ontario, I went to court ( Markham location) stamped by the court office and prosecutor office, I left each one a copy.
I prepared a folder with 6 tabs, notice of application, sworn statement,copy of the ticket, notice of trial, copy of the supreme court of Canada's decision in Askov v. R. , copy of the supreme court of Canada decision in R. v. Morin. The procesutor and the crown knew I am filing 11b.
The JP ask me If 11b is not accepted, am I ready for a trial, I said no since I didn't receive a video disclosure. I explain that this is my third court apperance with no disclosure the crown is delaying the proceeding since they didn't provide a disclosure. Also they needed me to have 3 copies of the folder, one for JP , one for Procesutor and another one for myself
JP asked me if I have a transcript of previsous court apperance, I said no. JP didn't accept the motion, to make thing worst the officer showed up with the video. So the trial is adjoured again.
I went to the court office to get a transcipt , it will cost about $150 to get three copies of the transcript. I am screwed either way.