
159 On 407 - Court @ Newmarket In One Week.

Author: mrhulalala

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:55 pm

159 On 407 - Court @ Newmarket In One Week.

Unread post by mrhulalala »

Looking for your opinions and recommendations. Thanks!!

Got a summon for 159 over 100 on hwy 407. I was following a white lexus (yes, he was running even faster than me) and didn't pay attention to the speed.

I had a 15 over ticket in 2014, two other dismissed tickets in 2015 and 2016. Would those dismissed ones impact the current one?

I went through a few posts/replies here and here's what I came up with the best strategy on the summons day:

1. Arrive at court @8:30 (mine is at Newmarket)

2. Get inline to talk to the prosecutor

3. Ask for disclosure

4. IF he/she starts to talk about a plea deal THEN ask him/her IF I can take a look at the disclosure and then decide

1. IF the answer is YES => take the disclosure and set another summons date. Then request further disclosure if possible?

2. IF the answer is NO => If the deal is under 49 THEN take it?? Any other better outcomes so far?

5. IF he/she didn't talk about plea deal, should I ask for one?? OR Should I say I want to plea not guilty and set a trial date?

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