So much for 4-6 weeks. I actually received an eight-page disclosure 45 minutes ago. No, I didn't get everything I asked for (not that I expected to get all of that), but what I did get is enough to make me forget about the rest. Here's what I received:
Page 1: Copy of Notice of Trial, with our last name and the officer's last name handwritten in large letters at the top and a "DISCLOSURE" stamp dated 22/08/16 with the clerk's initials
Page 2: Copy of e-mail from City of Barrie Prosecutors' Office to OPP requesting disclosure
Page 3: Cover page from Rama Police Service saying "Officer Notes," the officer's name and number, "R. v. xxx," the notebook number and the page numbers
Page 4: Officer's mostly legible notes: First entry: 0943: Genesis-VP Handheld Stationary Directional (circled plus sign) (something that looks like MODE or MODEL) serial number #00000; Display - Pass; Circuitry - Pass; Speed Simulation - Pass; second entry: 0944: Radar in good working order; conducting point and pull (I think) radar outside of police vehicle; monitoring traffic N/B + S/B Rama Rd (County Rd #44) @ (unintelligible name of crossroad, but I know where he was stationed), First Nation of Rama; wearing yellow police traffic vest; (on next notebook page) focused on 50 kph Community Safety Zone; rest of page covered. Beside notebook page is the officer's card
Page 5: (Also with officer's card) top page of notebook covered; most of bottom page covered; only visible entry: 1644: observed a M/V N/B County Rd #44 travelling @ high rate of speed activated my radar unit (circled plus sign) (looks like MODE); locked speed 82 kph
Page 6: (continuation of previous entry) in a 50 kph Community Safety Zone; directed M/V to stop + pull beside which it did; year, model, colour and licence plate (incorrectly identified) of my car; advised of speeding and shown reading; demand for M/V documents + driver's licence; driver (my daughter's name and D/L number); P.S. (last name) states she was running late bringing brother to camp (it was his day off and she was driving him back - my commentary; not part of officer's notes); lead M/V of 2, was noticed pulling away from rear M/V; charged PON# (number), my daughter's name, our address and her D/L number @ County Rd #44 N/B First Nation of Rama Simcoe County (circled R) speeding 65 kph in a posted 50 kph Community Safety Zone HTA s. 128; Next Entry: 1653: Radar Test - Pass
Page 7: Title Page of Genesis VP Directional User's Manual, Canada Variant, Rev 25/Aug/2010 (I've read a bunch of topics here, so I know it doesn't say anything about tuning forks)
Page 8: Testing Procedure, outlining the Display Test, Circuitry Test and Speed Simulation Test
I'm sorry for the detail, but I know the information will help whoever reads this.
It looks like the guy nabbed my daughter just as he was about to shut down for the day. It also looks like this disclosure does not bode well for her.
The only hope I can see at this point would be whether (a) the Certificate of Offence was filed within seven days as required by POA s. 4; or (b) the officer's simple notation "Radar Test - Pass" at 1653 is sufficient. I'm guessing trying to argue that he didn't document the entire test procedure, when he did so at the start of his shift, would be splitting hairs and the JP wouldn't buy it.
I know our friend jsherk has gone into great detail about Industry Canada notices, calibration, maintenance, etc. (and I asked for all of those, of course), but I don't know how much any of those angles will help when the officer's notes show he reduced my daughter's speed from 82 km/h to 65 km/h and that she admitted she was running late to bring my son back to camp.
My inclination is to tell my daughter to plead guilty. The Notice of Trial shows a total payable that's lower than the one shown on the ticket; it may not take the CSZ into account. If she does plead guilty, which will apply?
Are there any other rabbits I may be able to pull out of my hat?