
License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Author: appletree123

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License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by appletree123 »

Havent paid any fees yet and still have time to do so. Because of my work there is an absolute need to use the car for at least another month plus I'm getting my G license test in 2 weeks..anyway to delay the suspension? Thanks!

I lost 2 points two years ago for unsafe right turn and now 4 points for speeding, totaled 6 points. Which I SHOULD be called to an interview to explain my situation and why I should not be suspended. But no...all I got was a suspension letter plus fees to pay.

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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by bend »

appletree123 wrote:I lost 2 points two years ago for unsafe right turn and now 4 points for speeding, totaled 6 points. Which I SHOULD be called to an interview to explain my situation and why I should not be suspended. But no...all I got was a suspension letter plus fees to pay.

As a novice driver, you should be aware of the Novice driver escalating sanctions. Any conviction that carries 4 or more demerit points results in an automatic 30 day suspension. There is no interview.

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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by appletree123 »

bend wrote:
appletree123 wrote:I lost 2 points two years ago for unsafe right turn and now 4 points for speeding, totaled 6 points. Which I SHOULD be called to an interview to explain my situation and why I should not be suspended. But no...all I got was a suspension letter plus fees to pay.

As a novice driver, you should be aware of the Novice driver escalating sanctions. Any conviction that carries 4 or more demerit points results in an automatic 30 day suspension. There is no interview.

Ok. So any way to delay it?

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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

Unfortunatly, there is no way to delay it. What was the charge for? You said speeding, but did not say if it was Stunt Driving reduced to 49 over, or you just flat out lost at trial for a 30-49 over. Either way, the only way for it not to get the suspension is to win at trial, which you were unable to do. The suspension starts immediately, and does not finish until 30 days after you surrender your license. I figured that out the hard way when my brother got caught for driving under suspension. He got the Novice Sanctions suspension, but never surrendered his license. He was borrowing my car 6 months later, when he got stopped and they impounded it since his license was still suspended. So make sure you surrender it to the ministry (Take it in to a Service Ontario).

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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by jsherk »

There is no interview for G1/G2 drivers. It is automatic suspension.

Surrender your license ASAP to get the 30 days over with.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

@JSherk, I think the OP is getting confused with the Ministry Interview and the Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions. With the Ministry interview, you will have to go in and plea why your license shouldn't be suspended (6-9 points for G1/G2, M1/M2, 9-14 for G/M), where as with the Novice Driver Escalating Sanctions, it's an immediate suspension. On the bright side, after the 30 day suspension, the 4 points will come off your record.

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Re: License Suspended After Lost Ticket, Ways To Delay?

Unread post by Nanuk »

jsherk wrote:There is no interview for G1/G2 drivers. It is automatic suspension.

Surrender your license ASAP to get the 30 days over with.

Just to touch on what JSherk posted.

Make sure you check your mail for notices from the ministry. In the case of my brother in law, he surrendered his licence thinking the suspension started that day, when in fact the the MTO didn't begin the suspension until 6 days afterwards. He expected to be able to regain his driving privilege on Feb 22 , instead it happened to be Feb 28.

Not sure if this is a mistake by MTO or just a delay, but always check the dates that your suspension was effective.

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