
Question About My Stunt Driving Ticket.

Author: buhzar

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Question About My Stunt Driving Ticket.

Unread post by buhzar »

I don't have the best record, not many speeding tickets... Maybe one prior to this but I have tickets for other things.

Recently got pulled over supposedly doing 136 in an 80.

The officer was driving eastbound and I was driving westbound on a curved road. He pulled a U-turn and pulled me over.

Did not let me speak, in fact said if I keep talking he would arrest me. Told me to take my keys out, called a tow truck and I was impounded for 7 days, suspended for 7 days and charged with speeding/stunt driving.

Now was I driving 136 in an 80? Truthfully, I don't think so.. but that's up to the disclosure to determine since the officer said he caught me on radar.

Now here's my question:

I have a court date July 18th. If I show up and the officer is not there, is it dismissed?

Also.. On July 18th (My first court appearance) should I speak to the prosecutor and try to get a plea charge for 49 over?

Any advice guys?

Thank you.

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Re: Question About My Stunt Driving Ticket.

Unread post by bend »

buhzar wrote:I have a court date July 18th. If I show up and the officer is not there, is it dismissed?

July 18th i'm assuming is likely your summons date. It's an appearance. There wont be a trial that day.

buhzar wrote:Also.. On July 18th (My first court appearance) should I speak to the prosecutor and try to get a plea charge for 49 over?

If they offer it, sure. They may also take your prior driving history into account before making that decision.

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Re: Question About My Stunt Driving Ticket.

Unread post by jsherk »

If it says SUMMONS at the top of your ticket, then your court date is a first appearance and is not a trial date and the officer will NOT be there. You can just plead guilty at this date (not recommended) or a better choice would be to ask for disclosure and a trial date.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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