
Received Stunt Driving Ticket

Author: nometalgear

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Received Stunt Driving Ticket

Unread post by nometalgear »

Hey guys,

In light of all the motorcycle drama happened last year, I was served stunt driving ticket at my home + 1 week license suspension. I took it to court and the officer didn't come to court twice. so the ticket ended up getting dismissed. However, the 1 week suspension stayed in my record. My driving record is crystal clean. I would like to peruse to clear this week suspension off my record. Any pointers of where should I be looking.

So I contacted the police station and they said they can't help. I contacted service Ontario and they said you should contact police. Any help would be great. I event contacted lawyers but they seem to know little about such a situation, or there maybe no solution for this case.

Please help

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Re: Received Stunt Driving Ticket

Unread post by bend »

I don't believe these go away.

What you received was an administrative suspension.

It does not require a trial or a conviction. "Well, I have the right to a trial" is usually the first response . Short answer, the courts have decided that driving is a privilege and not a right. That means that administrative suspensions are fine and dandy whether there's a conviction or not.

That being said, they aren't supposed to be used against you. For example, your insurance provider shouldn't be using this admin suspension to determine your rates.

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Re: Received Stunt Driving Ticket

Unread post by nometalgear »

Thanks for your input,

It seems that there is a missing piece in the justice system that needs to be resolved. this shouldn't be impossible to remove as the judge himself dismissed the case. I thought that will go away from my record the moment the ticket was thrown out

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