
G2 Expiring Question

Author: Righteousgraffix

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G2 Expiring Question

Unread post by Righteousgraffix »

Can somone help me as well!

My one year impaired driving suspension is complete in November 2018. But my G2 expires September 2018. What can i do or is there anything that can be done instead of starting all over again.

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Re: G2 Expiring Question

Unread post by bend »

There are some special circumstances where your G2 license can be extended.

Example A: The only available test date is past the expiring date. If you book your test before your license expires, it will be extended to the date so you can complete the test.

Example B: You've held a G1 for over 4 years and just completed your G2. That would make it impossible to wait the mandatory 12 months before you could apply for a full G. In that scenario, you'll pay the fee again and they'll extend your G2 another 5 years.

I've never heard of any exemption for suspended drivers. That probably falls in the "it's your fault" category. However, when you reapply for a license you wont have to wait any of the mandatory waiting periods. You can apply for a G1 as soon as your license is off suspension and book a G2 test as soon as you want.

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