
Stunt Charge, 50 Over The Speed Limit On 403w

Author: Dowal

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Stunt Charge, 50 Over The Speed Limit On 403w

Unread post by Dowal »

Hello everyone,

I have recently got charged with stunt driving on 403 W while driving to Brantford. Officer said i was driving at 50 over the posted speed limit of 100 and my lowest speed was 120. My license was suspended for a week and my car was impounded for the same period. Summon date is Nov 21 2018 at Hamilton court.

The fact i would like to share is that i was driving relax with using cruise control at 108 until i approached the pick up truck which was splashing plenty of water on my windshield and it was making very unclear view. Then i pushed on gas to pass him but i believe i was just about 120 while passing him as the truck was not so fast.

Please advise me with regarding to hiring paralegal, like should i appear on summon by myself or i should go to paralegal from beginning!

Also do I need to pay to Reinstate a driver license at the end of the roadside administrative suspension period?

Also please share you best experience if you have any at the Hamilton court or anywhere else with the Stunt driving charge.

Thank you in advance.

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Unread post by bend »

Dowal wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:56 am

The fact i would like to share is that i was driving relax with using cruise control at 108 until i approached the pick up truck which was splashing plenty of water on my windshield and it was making very unclear view. Then i pushed on gas to pass him but i believe i was just about 120 while passing him as the truck was not so fast.

You had options. You could slow down and give yourself a larger distance between you and the truck until you have an opportunity to safely pass.

They are not going to be interested in your excuse. You couldn't see through your windshield, so you sped up to 150+ in the rain, no less. Do you see where there might be a problem there?

If this is your approach, you'd be way better off hoping they offer something like 49km over. If that's the case, take it and run.

Yes, you need to pay all the fees that come with administrative suspensions. They are not convictions, so you have to deal with them whatever the outcome.

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Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:10 am

Re: Stunt Charge, 50 Over The Speed Limit On 403w

Unread post by Dowal »

Thank you for your kind advise. I am regretting since it happen. The fact was that i had passed him gently like no hard acceleration but later on passing him he did not let me to change the lane and he was speeding along with me to not letting me change the lane and I believe I could not maintain speed at that point but still going above 150 is something I can't swallow. The worst thing was I was before him and that is why I was caught speeding by the OPP.

Anyways, I agree that whatever I would say would be considered as an excuse only and as you said I am ready to run with 49+ charge.

Thanks again.

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