
Ultralyte Testing Procedures Vs Disclosure Notes

Author: blackout_08

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Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:36 am

Ultralyte Testing Procedures Vs Disclosure Notes

Unread post by blackout_08 »


I recently receive disclosure notes for a 70 in a 50 zone. I compared the notes of the officier:

Which indicates he performed 3 tests.. Display Integrity, Scope Alignment, and Instrument Cluster check; however, I when reviewed the manual for the device the Instrument Cluster Check isn't listed as 1 of the 5. The tests are (as listed in the manual):

1) Display Integrity test (done by cop)

2) Scope Alignment Test (done by cop)

3) Reference Frequency Test (not done)

4) Fixed Distance Test (not done)

5) Delta Distance Test (not done)

Under Instrument Cluster Checks, it suggests performing either 4 or 5 before the device is on duty. Did the cop forget to do 4 or 5 or does an Instrument Cluster check include these? Can anyone shine any light on this? ... l.PDF?dl=0

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks

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