
Received A Careless Ticket For A Single Vehicle Rollover Accident

Author: Whomeworry

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Received A Careless Ticket For A Single Vehicle Rollover Accident

Unread post by Whomeworry »

I received a careless ticket for a single vehicle rollover accident I had 1.5 weeks ago.

I was the only one in my vehicle and no one witnessed the accident.

Two people arrived on the scene and helped me out of my car, and called 911. I told them what happened.

The officer issued the ticket to me without speaking to me first, I do not know if the people who helped me spoke to the officer about what I said. I did not give a statement.

I was driving home from my third 12 hour night shift in a row. I touched the gravel on a narrow road going 90km/hr in an 80. When I went to pull out, it was as if the gravel pulled me more, and I was sure I was going in the ditch. Seeing no traffic in the oncoming lane, I pulled the wheel harder, but obviously too hard. This time I came off the gravel, but basically drifted sideways into the other lane. I tried to correct it but the car didn't respond. I hit the gravel on the other side of the road, completely facing the opposite direction, and rolled into the ditch. The roads were wet. My car did have some sort of new front end issue and I had an appointment with my mechanic. I needed front end alignment in light of this problem, but needed the problem diagnosed/fixed first.

I have an at fault accident from 5 years ago where I did not receive a ticket, but got the blame as per insurance. If I don't get the careless dropped to a minor ticket, my insurance company will drop me. I do not have any demerit points and have never had a ticket other than speeding 10 and 15 over (2 tickets in the past total). I commute 40km one way to work.

The officer told me to file option 3 and go to early resolution. He told me that I would likely get the ticket dropped to "improper exit from the roadway" or something similar. He apologized and said "I have to give you this ticket or my supervisor will be one me".

Do I hire a paralegal? I've spoken to 3 and not really sold on any of them. How do I choose? Do I go with somewhere like "pointts" or "xcoppers", or do I go with a local paralegal? I live in a small town. Do I hire someone now? I've filed option 3 on the ticket, and I was told that I will Infact be called in for an early resolution in approximately 2 weeks. Do I hire someone before the early resolution, to attend the resolution for me? When can I request the disclosure? I asked at the local police station and was told the officer has a crazy amount of time to file it(I can't remember how long?). If this is the case, am I even able to get the disclosure before early resolution occurs? If I can't get disclosure before early resolution, is there a point in hiring a paralegal?

Thanks for any advice. I'm reading through this forum now, so I'm sorry if I'm asking things I should be able to read about from other posts. I'm just very worried and of course want the best possible outcome.

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Re: Received A Careless Ticket For A Single Vehicle Rollover Accident

Unread post by bend »

There is little harm in attending an early resolution without the aid of hired help.

They may or may not make you an offer (they most likely will). If you don't like what you hear, you can always proceed to having a trial at a later date.

This is one of those situations where you probably want to take a reduction and run. Any other offense is practically guaranteed to fall into the minor bracket in terms of insurance. Careless driving always runs the risk of having yourself booted from your insurance provider even for those with a clean record.

Anyone you hire is likely to chase after this same outcome.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.

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Re: Received A Careless Ticket For A Single Vehicle Rollover Accident

Unread post by Whomeworry »

Hi Bend

Thanks so much for your reply.

Are you suggesting that a paralegal wouldn't benefit me much in an early resolution meeting, being only a benefit if I were to go to trial (which I don't want to)?


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Re: Received A Careless Ticket For A Single Vehicle Rollover Accident

Unread post by bend »

There's nothing at an early resolution meeting that you can't do yourself.

All you're doing is attending and deciding whether or not to accept any potential deal. That's pretty much it. They aren't interested in hearing anything else. Either yes or no. If no, then they will book you a trial date.

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