
Red Light Turn - Red Light Camera In The Intersection

Author: rbianyz

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Red Light Turn - Red Light Camera In The Intersection

Unread post by rbianyz »

I Was taking a right turn, but there was a bus in front of me, and I couldn't see the lights, the bus proceeded to take a right, and I slowly proceeded after and realized the light was red, and stopped on top of the crosswalk, before the last line. I waited for a bit, but the light turned green and I waited for pedestrians to cross before turning. it was daylight, so I couldn't see any flashes, but should I be expecting a ticket. I was also proceeding very slowly, behind the bus...

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Re: Red Light Turn - Red Light Camera In The Intersection

Unread post by bend »

You need to hit a certain criteria before a red light camera will activate.

They work based on speed. I don't know the exact number or if it's the same with every camera, but it's something like 20-30+. Simply creeping forward will not set if off.

I wouldn't expect a ticket in the mail.

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