
[urgent Reply] Stunt Driving - Going 105 Kmph In Posted 50 Kmph - Airport Road - Court Details Not Received In Mail Post

Author: commitedmistakes

Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:18 pm

[urgent Reply] Stunt Driving - Going 105 Kmph In Posted 50 Kmph - Airport Road - Court Details Not Received In Mail Post

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Hello everyone,

I need timley and URGENT reply as my court date is tomorrow and I am really not sure what to do.

First of all great forum with great information.

I regret what I did. I truly do. It was 9 am in the Sunday morning and I just got carried away in extremely empty Airport Road by taking highway exit.

I did not realize I was going at 105 kmph. Police officer was hidden in parking lots. He already speed gunned me and started driving behind me. Stopped beside me at red light and asked me to pull over.

Gave me two tickets. One is speeding - 105 kmph in 50 kmph zone. Second is Drive motor vehicle - perform stunt - speeding by 40 or more kmph in a zone that is less than 80 kmph.

He impounded my car immediately and told me to take it back after 14 days. Took my licence.

I got new licence in mail post in 7 days. No fees.

I got my car back. Paid 900$.

Now, while giving ticket, officer told me because of COVID and all, I will be receiving court details in mail post saying how to attend the meeting virtually online.

In ticket it says 5th October and the address of Mississauga court.

I called the court and they tell me there is nothing reported on my driving licence number. I asked them am I supposed to come to court and they told me everything is online right now. In person court is not happening.

2 months went by after receiving the ticket and I did not receive anything in my mail. I check everyday 3 times my mailbox. Nothing's there.

Now, what should I do? Please tell me I am really worried.

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