Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways
I came back to read this thread again because I needed a good laugh.
Re: Using A Blue And Red Strobe Light And A Siren On Multilane Highways
Well, we are now January 27, 2022. The "Troll" as I was named, (Btw, thank you, I don't mind) is very happy with the performance AND the effect of the strobe light. (I consider getting some small ones battery operated for the side mirrors and front grille). I had to use them probably about 8-10 times until now. Only 2 times did I have to use the adjacent Emergency VehicleYelper also installed. Let me tell you, on almost all occasions the effect is instantaneous. First: the brake light from the "sleeping" vehicle in front, followed by a sharp pull to the right (and on one occasion to the left shoulder). The time when I had to use the Yelper was on a sunny day and I'm sure the car in front of me cruising lazily on the PASSING lane doing 105 did not even check his mirrors (as they should every 20 seconds or so) and may be blinded by the sun did not notice the red and blue flashers. But he did hear the siren and then he finally moved to the right lane that was standing absolutely free.
Amazing!! Maybe someday the people will learn that the left lane is ONLY for passing REGARDLESS the speed of cruising. I will start making a statistic of the most obstinate and shameless drivers driving without shame in the passing lane. I hope it will not be very gender and racial-biased. Will see.
As for the coppers...well...they never patrol the streets anyway, they are only contending in laying speed traps well hidden and munching on their donuts waiting for the unsuspecting motorist being fined for say 132km/h in a 100 zone. (not that the 100km/h speed limit is THE LOWEST ON NORTH AMERICAN HIGHWAYS - and obviously ridiculous)
But then, the driver examination is also a joke, and I suppose every totally blind scared breathing entity can obtain it and legally drive a car. Pffff!!!).
Anyway, I divagate. The blue and red flashers work.
Maybe one day I'll end up in court, but then I'll make sure to bring as many media outlets as I can to the trial and demonstrate the safety of my driving.
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