
Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Author: jakeman123

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Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by jakeman123 »

Does anyone here have any experience with remote zoom call trials? Basically I was ticketed for distracted driving last Friday (late July) and I only have my G2 License. My test for my G is in October, and I'm planning on attending driving school, all to lower my insurance to soften the blow of this inevitable charge.

For this reason I am requesting a trial. Essentially I want to buy the maximum amount of time that I can. My plan isn't to actually attend a trial but rather to get my G license, do a driving course and then plead guilty right AFTER my insurance renews (April 27th), hoping the insurance people don't catch the conviction until it renews again the year after.

Now to my question: On my ticket it says that my trial may be conducted remotely, and to call the court of justice if I can't do that. Should I call them and request an in person trial? Do you think this would push the date back?

If anyone has done a remote trial, how long after you requested it did you get a date?

small second question: Distracted driving carries a 30 day suspension for g2 havers and 4 days if you have your G. Which would I get if I went to trial with my G but was ticketed with my G2

Thanks everyone!

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Re: Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by bend »

You can't escape Novice Driving Sanctions by delaying conviction and upgrading your license.

First strike is 30 days and second is still 90 days. The difference is the third strike. If you graduate before the third, you'll be suspended for another 90 days rather than starting from scratch.

Only way to avoid this in your scenario is if you're offered a deal for a lesser equivalent charge. However, there's no lesser equivalent for this particular offense.

As for as insurance goes, they lump all tickets into three categories. They are minor, major, and serious. Everything that falls under a certain category is issued the same surcharge. Minor category would be your every day tickets (eg. rolling stop sign, not signaling, seatbelt, etc)

Handheld device tickets used to be considered a minor offense but it's recently jumped up to the major category within the last year. Major is a bit of a jump up from minor insurance wise, so be prepared.

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Re: Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by jakeman123 »

bend wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:36 pm

You can't escape Novice Driving Sanctions by delaying conviction and upgrading your license.

I had a feeling this was the case. Is it possible that the prosecutor could offer G license sanctions as a plea deal?

bend wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:36 pm

Handheld device tickets used to be considered a minor offense but it's recently jumped up to the major category within the last year. Major is a bit of a jump up from minor insurance wise, so be prepared.

I'm aware of this yeah, which is why I want to get my full license and attend driving school in the meantime so it doesn't hit me as hard. Any thoughts on getting a trial date as far in the future as possible? I want to be able to plead guilty at my convenience so I can get my license suspended at a time when I don't need my car for work, and ideally after my next insurance renewal

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Re: Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by bend »

Novice Sanctions are automatically applied by the Ministry of Transportation once they receive your conviction. Whomever ends up dealing with your charge, it's out of their hands. Nothing you can really do there. They can only reduce the charge which in turn would come with a lesser penalty.

Trial dates are booked on a first come, first served basis. If they can group others requesting the same officers at the same time, they'll prioritize that so the officer doesn't have to show up 20 different times. Some courthouses are also extremely more busy than others. There's really no telling when your requested court date will be.

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Re: Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by bobajob »

get a good lawyer, it will cost you, wife had a speeding ticket and (long story) I didn't think she had a hope i hell, she got off, I don't know HOW, if it was any other country I'd say back hander. (wink wink)

best $500 bucks she ever spent.

not saying this is the case here Bend knows his stuff ! just putting it out there, miracles do happen sometimes,

If you go in on your own, you've got 2 outcomes, no hope and Bob hope ;)

* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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Re: Requesting In-person Trial To Buy Time To Get My G License

Unread post by jakeman123 »

Update on this. The trial ended up being booked for 14 months after the ticket was issued. I requested disclosure multiple times but only ended up getting it last minute right before the trial. The officer said he was not ready for trial and did not attend court and the Justice of the Peace withdrew the charge. The 30 day suspension would have ruined my life as I rely on my vehicle for work so I was incredibly lucky in this case and I implore everyone to be super mindful of distracted driving as the outcome could have been horrific and very costly for years to come.

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