
New "taxi" Service In Halton

Author: FiReSTaRT

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New "taxi" Service In Halton

Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

Talk about low and sneaky. They're not trying generate cash, they're just looking out for our safety :roll:


The number for the "Taxi" service is (905) 878-5511 and it's real. I think they'd be liable for fraud if they posted up a fake one.

I wonder what would happen if people from all over the Halton region started calling to order a cab or inquire about package delivery rates... 8)

Edit: Took out a bad link and... If the operator tells you that it is the police service, you can always play dumb and ask if there is a taxi service with a similar number or if an unlicensed cabbie is sporting a police service's phone number. You're just a concerned citizen, afterall :twisted:

Edit2: An ghost is sneaky enough. Posing as a cab is a transparent cash-grab that has nothing to do with our safety. People slow down when there is a marked cruiser around. This tactic will just create an atmosphere of paranoia among Halton residents and fleece quite a few tourists for cash.

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Even I don't like that!!

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Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

No reasonable person would... The Municipality of Halton is playing it just plain dirty. However, if they are driving around in "taxis" and they are proudly displaying their phone number, they better be ready to receive lots of taxi calls on it.

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It looks like some people really liked the idea and already made posters to help the fledgling cab company... Ofcourse OHTA members are encouraged to spread the word and help the new business out :twisted:

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Unread post by Squishy »


Wow, I don't like it, either. If that was behind me with lights on, I would assume it was a dickweed cab driver who had illegal lights to try and beat traffic. I'd end up calling the cops on the, er...cops

As for the paranoia, isn't that the point of an unmarked cruiser? To make the public think twice even if they don't see a marked cruiser nearby?

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Unread post by hwybear »

Squishy wrote:

As for the paranoia, isn't that the point of an unmarked cruiser? To make the public think twice even if they don't see a marked cruiser nearby?

I agree that all police should have cruisers that look like everyday civilian vehicles and load them up with hidden lights.

But the adding of other company logos, signs is not right...I would think it was the same thing as you Squishy, some cabby being an jerk and I would not stop either.

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The only time I ever got pulled over by a ghostmarked car, it was broad daylight and the visibility was great so I could see the markings as I went by him (he was right behind a rise). Under those circumstances I pulled over with no drama.

However, had there been any doubt about the identity of the vehicle/driver, I would have flashed my 4ways to notify that I do intend to stop and proceded to the next gas station or any place where there's plenty of witnesses and preferably some cameras. In case of that particular traffic stop it would have been 20-30km north of there, so chances are he would have radioed for a b&w lol.

I don't try to make traffic stops extra-difficult I actually make it very easy:


1) Wallet and key on the dash

2) Hands on the wheel

3) Dome light on at night

4) Answer questions (within reason.. I generally avoid admitting that I was speeding)

5) No sudden movements

Bike: (only happened once, but still)

1) Ignition off

2) Gloves in the lid, lid on the ground

3) Key in the gas cap

4) Wallet and vehicle docs on the tank

Note on the bike stop: That was the first time a cop ever asked me if I had a criminal record, even though I did all of this and all of my docs/equipment were in order.

However, there's no chance in hell I'm gonna risk my life and limb to make things easier for someone who may or may not be a cop. I'll take a yelling and a nastier ticket over getting jacked any day of the week. Yelling's just dirt off my shoulders and the ticket can be taken to court.

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Unread post by hwybear »

If in doubt if an unmarked cruiser is legit.....

- put on 4 ways

- dial *677 (star OPP) on hwys or *911 on your cell

- give call taker your licence is common for police to check your plate prior to stopping, so therefore dispatch can confirm...YES, officer checked your plate 1minute stop now.

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Bear, what if I don't have any passengers in the car and no hands-free feature for the cell? Or if I'm on 2 wheels? For legal and moral reasons I wouldn't use a cell while driving. Actually I'm that crazy guy on the motorcycle who will turn your way and warn you not to use the cell while driving.

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For Pete's sake, which clown came up with the idea of using a taxi as a ghost car? :x What's next? A ghost car masquerading as a Tim Horton's delivery truck? Maybe they can get a cement mixer or a transit bus and deck it out with the light package. :shock:

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Unread post by hwybear »

FiReSTaRT wrote:Bear, what if I don't have any passengers in the car and no hands-free feature for the cell? .

cellphone law is not in effect yet, but their in an excemption to use it for emergency purposes to dial 911

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Unread post by FiReSTaRT »

That's a good point. So under the circumstances, even if I did get charged, I'd have the official phone log to prove that I dialled 911.

Other than for emergency calls I'd personally ban cell phones in any way, shape or form, including hands free.

Been hit by drivers who weren't paying attention when changing lanes and I just thank God I wasn't on two wheels, so driver distraction is a big no-no in my books.

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Unread post by ticketcombat »

Radar Identified wrote:For Pete's sake, which clown came up with the idea of using a taxi as a ghost car? :x What's next? A ghost car masquerading as a Tim Horton's delivery truck? Maybe they can get a cement mixer or a transit bus and deck it out with the light package. :shock:

Or a stretch limo or a school bus.

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Squishy wrote:Timmy's truck wouldn't work. It would just get impounded by another police service.

Only if Heidi Fischer is driving it. :D

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