Speed Limits
Why is the speed limit still at 100km/h on the 400 series highways??. That limit was set when the highway was desigend way before airbags and crumple zones and when the driving tests consisted of driving in the straight line. We now have vehicles that can easily travel at 200km with the cruise control on, your chepest mini van can double the current limit. Lets try to keep up with the times and blend in with the times. How come the limit in New Brunswick is 110km/h and we are stuckat 100. Lets raise it to 120+. People say speed kills but what is safer an old lady/men who is shaving reading a paper while doing 100 in the left lane or some one with a sports car doing 140k and actually paying attention. I know the police can generate more money with the lower limits but lets wake up and smell the coffe. Why would someone pay 100k for a vehicle that can tripple the limit in Europe but is limited to tires speed rating in Canada to 180km or so. Why not install limiters on all cars sold in Canada but wait that would kill ALL the revenue from tickets. Police should use their judgement more when pulling people for speeding, other factors should be looked at such as traffic, vehicle driven, road condition. So you are travelling at 160k/m in your new BMW 7 series in the middle of nowhere BIG deal. We blame speed for all accidents, why not stop selling guns which kill people also. Close down tobbacco companies because they cause cancer. Oh but wait too much revenue/taxes would be lost from lost sales. Typical gavernment at work. This province is turning into a police state, we have less and less rights. Why not target people that actually can't drive. Ever watch 'Canada's worst driver" HOW did those people get their licence to begin with, if you can't control your vehicle at parking lot speeds you certainly are not much safer at 100.
Some good points there. Maybe if people stopped yakking on cell phones or texting while driving, there would be less accidents.
Ever try to drive the speed limit London to Windsor? or Brockville to Cornwall? 100 kph is a joke. Seventy five is max in many states. Lets do 120 on 400 series hwys except for built up areas.
Re: Speed Limits
casper wrote:Why is the speed limit still at 100km/h on the 400 series highways??. That limit was set when the highway was desigend way before airbags and crumple zones and when the driving tests consisted of driving in the straight line.
I have seen a post by someone, who claims that he was one of the people involved, that 400-series highways were designed to accomodate speeds up to 95 miles per hour (150km/h), that is using the 1960's technology, without airbags or cruise control...
- Reflections
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The general principle is that the higher the speed the worse the collision. Absolutely true. However, there is no link between speed and accident occurance. Cars are safer now, radial tires, ABS brakes, crumple zones and airbags, but revenue is still the driving force behind laws. Anyone notice that the plane is back in the sky, 5 months after Bill 203 was introduced? We could go faster only if we promise to get off the cell phones, pass on the left and generally be nicer about sharing the road. This isn't rocket science.
- hwybear
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The problem is that there is absolutely NO Driver training and the vehicles and highways have both improved. We all know that you can get a licence easily so, until that changes, we are stuck at the current limits. Top this off with "Reflections" comments.... eliminate cell phones, GPS, satellite radio, sunvisor mirrors, all the distractions and let a driver just drive, we would be better off as well
There are few and far between collisions that I go to that speed was not involved.
On our training we are also explained that almost any collision involved over 130km/hr will result in a fatality. The human body can not withstand those forces, even with crumple zones, airbags etc...as the cars are designed for low speed impacts.
Smoking also kills people and causes cancer, there are no fines for that. Its all about revenue. Install limiters on ALL cars at 120km/h, Oh wait but that would not generate any money. So make the cars even faster increase fines and make even more money. I just wish the police would use their discresion more when pulling people for speeding. Why not consider time/conditions/vehicle/driver. I'm sure that a 80 year old man driving at 160km in his Lincoln is not safer then 30 year old in his Ferrari that was designed for that speed.
- hwybear
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casper wrote: Its all about revenue. .
Plus something that no one yet can answer or step up to the plate about....
If it is a revenue/tax grab....and you can avoid it....why don't you?
If you do not do the offence there is no money out of your pocket, pretty simple!
Always see the sold out Air Canada Centre for various events....now that is a revenue generator that no one complains about.
- Reflections
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What the Leafs suck???????
- hwybear
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Reflections wrote:What the Leafs suck???????
ok...we avoid them like the plague....maybe a concert then
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