Ticket History
Just curious to how many years of traffic ticket history is available for the Insurance companies to see ....
Author: EricJ
Just curious to how many years of traffic ticket history is available for the Insurance companies to see ....
Typically they will KEEP your information for five years but some can go to ten years. But they have to get the information in the first place. Demerit points last two years and on your MTO record for three years.
If you lie about anything, that's insurance fraud and it will effect you forever.
Just be totally honest and in my experience they will be fair to you. When switching companies for my grandparents, I disclosed everything and even offered to e-mail pictures of existing body damage. We had two tickets from two years ago that should have been in their system, but the agent said only one came up and based our rate on that even though we admitted to two tickets (and our previous insurance company listed two minor tickets on our renewal). If you are defensive and act like you are hiding something, they will assume the worst.
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