
State Trooper Loses It On Parademic Ambulance Driver!

Author: admin

Does the cop have the right to pull over an ambulance?

Poll ended at Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:07 pm

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Unread post by Squishy »

ditchMD wrote:I can have a patient that is a level 2 acuity, yet transport without lights and sirens of activated. Therefore, justifying pulling over an ambulance based on the fact that the emergency lights are off is a bad idea.

But if you were transferring a patient where priority did not require the use of lights, wouldn't you yield to a cruiser with lights and sirens going?

I'm guessing that travelling priority is based more on the stability of the patient rather than the medical condition, thus, making the pulling over of that ambulance not life-threatening, at least up to the point where it can be made clear that there is a patient on board.

Of course, the much better method would be to ask your dispatch to tell the police dispatch to have him follow to the hospital. I didn't think the two could communicate.

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Unread post by ditchMD »

Transport priority takes into account both the patient's condition and stability. As for myself, yes, I would pull-over if any emergency vehicle was attempting to pass me. However, if a LEO follows me onto the shoulder, that's when it becomes a different story. However, we are very fortunate that we medics have a great relationship with our PD.

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Unread post by hwybear »

ditchMD wrote: However, we are very fortunate that we medics have a great relationship with our PD.

concur with that....excellent working relationship with EMS and local PS.

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Unread post by racer »

hwybear wrote:
Radar Identified wrote:Looking at it closely, the ambulance was only in the way for a few seconds. It did pull over. The reason it didn't pull over initially was because there was a car on the shoulder. The call that the officer was going to was not a priority. He didn't even get out of his cruiser when he arrived at the call scene.

The car on the shoulder.....was in front of the EMS, saw the lights and had moved to the shoulder :shock: and why did the EMS not see the cruiser lights :?:

We do not know the priority was/was not at the gas station...know how many times we go lights/sirens and then get called off?

Think all of this could have been easily avoided:

- move to the right OR

- passenger stay in back of EMS OR

- wait and follow EMS to destination OR

all of this combined!

Shouldn't the EMS vehicle have a radio that police can use to contact the driver of the ambulance, thus avoiding all possible stoppage?

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